Does the Apple MDM client respect Retry-After header?

If the MDM server returns 503 or 429 HTTP response code, along with the Retry-After header specifying seconds or date to contact later, does the MDM client on iOS or macOS respect that? We’ve tried it locally but the retry does not happen/ seem to be respected. MDM client automatically retries when connection is disrupted. But sometimes it may be suitable to send a retry-after header when the MDM server is experiencing unusual loads.
Do any of you guys have a clue?

I have tested that as well, but I cannot confirm that it works. It would have been an interesting use case. I think you can only trigger an MDM client request via a push notification. This is also stated in the MDM protocol reference:

The device polls only in response to a push notification; it does not poll the server immediately after installation.
The server must send a push notification to the device to begin a transaction.

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Also to add some information that we had from Apple Guys when they came on our site:

  • The Device do his checking at least once a day
  • After a restart, the device will always try to contact the MDM in order to know if the device has a command to do
  • After changing a network, the device will always try to contact the MDM

As @petar said, the device need a push notification to start a transaction. This notification is available for 21 days maximum if no explicite value of days has been set to in the notification.


Hello @Dara
The 3 statements you mentioned, these MDM check-ins happen without an MDM push notification also?

Hi @zmahesh

for those 3 statements, normaly Yes. I say normaly because sometime informations that we have from Apple Support guys change :smile:…i don’t know if there are other cases

Something usefull, if you are an Airwatch administrator, you can see on the database the information while the device has made his last check-in to the MDM by using the Apple MDM Protocol (.

The SQL request is that one and it will give the “LastMDMReceived”:

select *
from dbo.AppleDEviceEx

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