iOS 15 - changes in configuration profiles

iOS 15 has been announced at WWDC21

New configuration profiles are available in iOS 15 at this stage.

NOTE: With iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, payloads in a single configuration profile that
contain the same UUID will no longer be able to be installed. Each payload must
contain a unique UUID.

Restrictions Payload

Apple have replaced whitelist and blacklist wording in keys with allow and blocked

Key Type Description
allowListedAppBundleIDs string If present, this property allows only bundle IDs listed in the array to be shown or launchable. Include the value to allow all webclips. Requires a supervised device. Available in iOS 9.3 and later, and tvOS 11.0 and later.
blockedAppBundleIDs String If present, prevents bundle IDs listed in the array from being shown or launchable. Include the value to restrict all webclips. Requires a supervised device. Available in iOS 9.3 and later, and tvOS 11.0 and later.
forceOnDeviceOnlyTranslation boolean If true , the device won’t connect to Siri servers for the purposes of translation. Available in iOS 15 and later. Default: false
requireManagedPasteboard boolean If true , copy and paste functionality respects the allowOpenFromManagedToUnmanaged and allowOpenFromUnmanagedToManaged restrictions. Default: false

TVRemote Payload

Apple TV will no longer broadcast its MAC address. The following payload must be used in order to prevent unwanted pairing attempts.

Key Type Description
TVDeviceName String The name of an Apple TV device that this iOS device is permitted to control.

MDM Payload

Key Type Description
AssignedManagedAppleID string
EnrollmentMode string
RequiredAppIDForMDM integer

iOS 14 profile changes can be found here: iOS 14 - changes in configuration profiles

Does anyone know a MDM system with which you can test the new functions ?

Any MDM that supports custom XML payloads
should do, theoretically.

What’s new in managing Apple devices