Enable approved keyboard - Samsung One UI 2.1 + Microsoft App Protection Policies

Recently a customer reported that some of their Samsung devices started reporting a keyboard input error when applying App Protection Policies.


Enable approved keyboard
Your organization’s policy requires use of approved keyboards for this app. On the next screen, enabled one of the following approved keyboards.

While connected to the device via adb shell and running top I could see the process com.samsung.android.honeyboard jump to the top of the list while inputting text.

This was not the expected input application; com.sec.android.inputmethod

Researching this application I could see it is part of the One UI 2.1 release, devices with this update would be impacted by this issue. I believe 2.1 was released around May 2020.

Add the the bundle ID com.samsung.android.honeyboard to your existing and new Android App Protection Polices.

Unfortunately the honeyboard keyboard is not part of the default approved keyboard list, I have sent this off to Samsung to push the change from their end, hopefully this is the faster approach. For now if you plan to use the approved keyboard restrictions, make sure you add the new bundle ID to your configuration.

com.samsung.android.honeyboard is now part of the default keyboard list