MI DEP Devices - Block Safari but allow apps@work

I’m implementing lock down requirements for our DEP devices. Aside from removing the Apple apps store and some other apps, the other requirement is to block safari.
I was able to accomplish that by adding safari to the Blacklist. After doing so MI apps@work fails to open because it dependency is safari.
Does anyone have a work around for this? There is an option for silent install for Android apps but i don’t see that option for iOS apps.

Thank you,

Hi Wes,

You could allow access to Safari and apply a Web Content Filter to whitelist the sites you would like access to (i.e. app store, etc)

Also using your DEP account you can signup to VPP (Volume Purchase Program)
Direct link: https://vpp.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZFinance.woa/wa/login
Note; if you plan to have more than one environment then consider creating separate admin accounts inside DEP and use these to distribute VPP (VPP accounts do not share purchases and should only be deployed to one platform to avoid application licencing issues)

Once you setup an account you can integrate it with Core/Cloud and then purchase your apps using Managed Distribution (this is an option when purchasing via the VPP portal)

The VPP integration with Core/Cloud will periodically grab a list of licences, you can then distribute the applications as “Device based Licenses” allowing the app to install silently on a supervised iOS device.
Note: non-supervised devices can also benefit from this distribution, however they will get a prompt to install the app (this does not require an AppleID on the device)



Thank you for your respond.
I was able to get it working by creating an App Restriction whitelist with the following Bundle ID “com.apple.webapp”.

Apps@work opens up in a websheet and I also tested Wi-Fi connection setup at Starbucks, Hilton Hotel, and AT&T store which typically invokes the safari app for login credentials. With the above bundle ID setup in the whitelist wifi login in these area were successful while Safari is still black listed and it pulls up a websheet instead.

Thank you,