MobileIron Core v9.1.0.0 Known Issue, Upgrade NOW to v9.1.1.0 or v9.2.0.0

In Core, duplicate records in the mdm notification queue are created causing a spike in the load to the system, which can eventually lead to a Core crashing.

All customers running will be impacted with this issue.

In Core, duplicate records in the mdm notification queue are created. As a result, Core queues up the same event types for a device that hasn’t checked in during the regular sync interval. This causes a spike of load on the system that has numerous devices that don’t always have connectivity to the system or if the Core has a lot of stale devices.

This issue is resolved in Core, UPGRADE TO CORE v9.1.1.0 or CORE v9.2.0.0 ASAP!

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Does MobileIron have a defect number for this issue and is this confirmed fixed in

Thanks for the info.

I haven’t been told of the defect number and is confirmed fixed in and

The one customer I had with this issue had more than 8 million duplicate records in the mdm notification queue which eventually crashed the MobileIron Core Server twice and then mysqld service wouldn’t start